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Reedings Junior School


We enjoy excellent relationships with other local schools.

Our link school is Fawbert and Barnard Infants. Parents of children at Fawbert and Barnard are still required to complete an online application, although the children are guaranteed a place here at Reedings Junior School.

Fawbert and Barnard Infant School website

Secondary Application Process

Most of the children at Reedings attend Leventhorpe, although a small number of pupils go on to attend other local secondary schools.

See the link below to apply for a secondary school place in Hertfordshire:


Information on the secondary application process will be shared at a face-to-face or virtual meeting. The admin team will always be on hand to support applications and issue paper copies of any documents you may require, so please do not hesitate to ask. 

The link below details dates and deadline regarding secondary admissions in Hertfordshire: 


School directory

The school directory is available for parents including all the information necessary to assist in making their application this year.

In Year Admissions

If you have moved, you can apply to change school during the school year. We call this an "in year admission". Reedings is a maintained school so Hertfordshire County Council manage admissions to Reedings. 

You can also apply if you want your child to go to a different school.

See the link below to apply to change school:

