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Reedings Junior School

Digital Leaders

Each year, pupils have the chance to apply for the role of Digital Leader within their classes. Their application forms are considered by the class teacher, and representatives are chosen.

Digital leaders help with technology at school and also with the learning you are doing at home. They help create a display of learning in their class, and say what is going well and what needs to be improved.

The representatives for each class this year are:

Robins: Thomas D

Sparrows: George K

Puffins: Nemi

Starlings: William

Wrens: Daisy

Swallows: Gil

Owls: Millie

Kestrels: Poppy M


Speak to Mrs Alison Walker if you are interested in becoming a digital leader next year!


This year, our digital leaders have been learning how to use the new Data Loggers that we have in school, in order to support the learning in Computing and Science lessons. They have also presented a whole-school assembly on Online Safety, following the SMART rules. 


On the 26th January, our digital leaders attended BETT at the ExCel Centre, in London. Six of them had the prestigious role of taking part in Kids Judge BETT. We all enjoyed testing out and exploring the different technology that is now available for schools and young people. We all  loved the VR headsets and interactive walls/floor games that incorporated sport and technology, but we were proud to award Piper with the Sustainable Coding award. It was a great day working together, and we all enjoyed meeting Michael Rosen on stage in the BETT arena!