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Reedings Junior School


Curriculum Intent

What is it we want our children to get from our curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6?

Our curriculums at Fawbert and Barnard Infants’ and Reedings’ Junior School give the children the opportunity to learn through a variety of exciting and memorable contexts. From Fawbert and Barnard’s integrated Montessori approach in the Early Years and ‘Cornerstones’ cross curricular curriculum in Key Stage 1, through to Reedings’ bespoke curriculum, it is our intent that children at our schools… 

• Have high aspirations, resilience and perseverance
• Are problem solvers, with a thirst for knowledge who are confident to take risks 
• Become active citizens in a diverse global and digital society  
• Are happy and secure within themselves and their pursuit for truth 
• Are excited and motived with a deep-rooted love of learning. 

We believe our curriculums are progressive and support children in their pathway towards adulthood.   


The curriculum intent and implementation are centred around research including Montessori, Steiner and Rosenshine. This means we believe in and have incorporated experiential leaning, collaboration, teachers who act as role models and consideration for the capacity of children's working memory and how best to support children transfer new learning into their long term memory and retain this. 

Whole School Subject Overview

subject overview 2.pdf



Curriculum Gallery (ID 1018)

  • Art
  • Computing
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
  • Design & Technology