“The power of music to change lives”
“…an opportunity [for children] to express themselves, to explore their creativity, to work hard at something, persevere and shine. These experiences and achievements stay with them and shape their lives. That is why music is an essential part of a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils.” The National Music Plan for Music Education.
At Reedings, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to enjoy at least one hour of music a week where they are immersed in a wide range of musical genres and can listen to, play, sing, compose, improvise and perform music during their time with us. We aim to deliver a broad, exciting and ambitious teaching programme through which we:
- Engage and inspire all pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement
- Provide quality music education for pupils to ensure every child develops a life-long love of music and musical performance
- Learn to play a wide range of percussion, world and melodic instruments and, by doing so, encourage perseverance and resilience through practising their skills
- Appreciate and understand the works of the musical giants of the past to inspire children to be the musicians of the future
- Develop an understanding of musical theory and composition, to enable children to organise and manipulate their ideas within musical structures and reproduce sounds from aural memory
- Show progression in music skills and knowledge year on year
- Share our musical creations within our school and the wider community.
At Reedings, children enjoy at least one hour of music a week where they are immersed in a wide range of musical genres and have the opportunity to learn to play several instruments during their time with us. We follow the National Curriculum for Music using Charanga Music School app and the Model Music Curriculum, supported by Herts Music Services to deliver a broad, exciting and ambitious teaching programme through which we;
- engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement
- provide quality music education for pupils to ensure every child develops a life-long love of music and musical performance
- provide an opportunity to play a wide range of percussion, world and melodic instruments
- appreciate and understand the works of the musical giants of the past to inspire children to be the musicians of the future
- encourage understanding of musical composition, to enable children to organise and manipulate their ideas within musical structures and reproduce sounds from aural memory.
Play: a range of instruments starting with glockenspiels in year 3, progressing to recorders in year 4 and moving on to ukuleles in years 5 and 6. Alongside this, children experience a wide range of percussion and world instruments.
Listen: to a wide range of music covering many eras of music history and different cultures from around the world. Children are always encouraged to voice their opinions about music they encounter, to analyse and compare, reflect on and aurally recognise pieces. In playing and listening to others, they develop the ability to reflect on their own performance and improvements.
Sing: a variety of songs over their four years, gradually increasing in difficulty and complexity as they progress through the school. In addition to class teaching, there are other opportunities to share our singing through sharing assemblies, Christmas and end of year shows, carol services, talent shows and music festivals.
Improvise & Compose: understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated to provide children with the knowledge, technical skills and creativity to improvise, compose and perform.
Perform: in performing to others children increase their confidence and develop musicianship, they learn to evaluate their own performance and those of others, to persevere and practice to create a final performance they are proud of.
Theory: Years 3 and 4 start the foundation for learning notes in the treble clef and the interrelated dimensions of music; pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and simple musical notations. They then expand their learning through year 4 and move onto chords and triads with ukuleles in year 5. Finally, in year 6 they use technology to create their own music and can bring all of their learning together to create more complex pieces of music, using music scores and combinations of instruments to create ensembles. The musical notation skills taught progress as children learn the glockenspiel, recorder and ukulele. Children have planned opportunities to revisit these instruments and embed their skills during their time with us.
Additionally, Reedings offers a wide range of one-to-one or small group music lessons; woodwind, violin, brass, piano, drums and singing. If your child has ambitions to be a rock star then ‘RockSteady’ provides music lessons where they will be able to play and perform in a band using vocals, electric guitars, bass, keyboard and drum kits.
Music clubs link:
Learning Maps
- Year 3 Music Learning Maps
- Year 4 Music Learning Maps
- Year5 Music Learning Maps
- Year6 Music Learning Maps